In the Spotlight...

Sacramento Archives Crawl
Preserved Sports and Leisure in the Archives
Saturday October 5
10 am - 4 pm Pastimes 
The Sacramento Archives Crawl is an annual event during Archives Month, taking place every October. Participants traverse through four designated host archives in Sacramento, collecting stamps in their passports while exploring valuable artifacts from various archives and special collections libraries. They engage with archivists, partake in exclusive behind-the-scenes tours, and immerse themselves in the rich history on display. The upcoming 2024 Crawl is scheduled for Saturday, October 5, running from 10 am to 4 pm at the Central Library, State Library, State Archives, and Center for Sacramento History. For details, click here.


Visit the Root Cellar Library

The Library is located at the California State Archives, 1020 O Street, on the fourth floor. It is open 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. We have over 6,200 books on our shelves. These include all 50 states plus foreign countries, such as Ireland, England, and Germany. 
And there’s more…The library has a special sharing program called “50/50”. Let’s say there is a book you would like to use in your research. You have checked our online catalog and we do not have the book. You can purchase the book, do your research, and then donate the book to the Root Cellar Library. In turn, the library reimburses you 50% of your purchase cost. Just think, you accomplish your research goal and in return for donating the book you receive money back! Great deal for you and your library. Just donate the book and show proof of purchase with a receipt and receive a check from the library. It is a WIN-WIN for all! Need more information? Contact Carolee Jones at

Publications for Sale

Check out the updated list of ROOT CELLAR Publications for sale. 
Click HERE to go to the Publication List.

Special Interest Groups and Workshops

Are you new to genealogy?
Are you a "seasoned" genealogist plagued by pesky "brick walls"?
Our workshops and special interest groups ("SIGS") may be just what you need to further your research efforts.  If you haven't done so before now, consider participating with one or more of the following:
  • Root Cellar Genealogy Workshop - 3rd Thursdays from 2-4PM
  • Family Tree Maker SIG - 3rd & 4th Thursdays from 11:30AM - 1:30PM
For more information on these resources, click on the "Meetings" link of the "Home" menu option at left, or scroll down the list of meetings at right.

BOD Meetings

The monthly Board of Directors meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month from 10am to 12pm. Any member of our Society is welcome to attend. To receive a meeting invitation, please email our President at at least three days before the meeting. 

Geni-Gram is our monthly newsletter. It's chock-full of information about our Society and local meetings and events, as well as topics of genealogical interest.   

Join Our Fabulous Society

Join online with a credit/debit card 
Join by printing a form and mailing it with a check
If you think you may have been a member before, no matter how long ago, please renew so we don't end up with two records for you. If you don't remember your username and/or password we can help, just email the Membership Chair (

Renew Your Membership

Join us for another outstanding year of great programs.
If you have already renewed, thank you for your continued support. 
Click button to renew quickly and easily. After logging in, select "Your Profile" to complete your renewal.
Fill out the membership form and mail it with your check.


Thursday, Sep. 19th
Daytime Workshop
Newspapers aren't just for catching up on the latest local news - they're secret treasure troves for digging into your family tree! Have you ventured into the exciting world of, the California Digital Newspapers Collection, or GenealogyBank? Any jaw-dropping articles unearthed yet? Come share your discoveries with Lynne Roberts - ...
Thursday, Oct. 10th
Genealogy Lecture Series #1
Free to members only! ​Glenda Lloyd is set to kick off a series of exclusive, free one-hour lectures just for members, starting October 10th with a session on Getting Organized!   Registration will open in October.
Thursday, Oct. 10th
Researching War of 1812-Era Ancestors with Kathryn Marshall, PhD
Sandwiched between two wars that were fought with the Barbary pirates off "the shores of Tripoli," over 450,000 Americans fought in the War of 1812. Hundreds of thousands more served in state militias which, in theory, included all free adult males of military age. On the opposing side were Canadians, ...
Thursday, Oct. 17th
Genealogy Lecture Series #2
Free to members only. The Fall Genealogy Lecture Series continues on Thursday, October 17th. Glenda Lloyd is taking the stage with an informative presentation on City Directories.   Registration will open in October.
Thursday, Oct. 17th
Daytime Workshop
As the chilly winds nudge us indoors, October whispers the perfect excuse to cozy up with! Join Paula Parmelee in unraveling the mysteries of "What's New at". Get ready with your queries and secret genealogy hacks! Our genealogy workshop meets the 3rd Thursday of each month (except December) ...